PTE Read Aloud is a test, you will be given one or two sentences on your screen, and you have to read that questions aloud. It integrates PTE Speaking and Reading skills.

Most of the candidates find that PTE Read Aloud is the easiest question type in PTE Exam. It is indeed, but if you practice it well.

At first, it looks really easy, but when it comes to exam day, this question type puts down your morale when you see difficult words to pronounce.

The candidate has 40 seconds to prepare for the questions; Once the beep sound is played candidate must start reading the given passage aloud. One thing to note here is, if the computer detects silence in PTE Read Aloud questions for more than 3 seconds, you will lose marks for that question.

However, PTE CLASSES have some tips, as well as practice materials for you to boost your PTE score. You can take a Free Mock Test and more than 1000+ PTE Read aloud question bank.

You can click here to get all the benefits for free.

How PTE Read Aloud Score Works

As we all know, PTE Test is based on a computer algorithm, and the computer decides your PTE Read Aloud score based on three factors such as;

  • Content
  • Oral Fluency

Content: This factor is determined by; Does a candidate included all the keywords given in the question passage? However, the additional words or words the candidate has missed from the passage will impact your score negatively.

Oral Fluency: This factor is determined by the fluency of the candidate speaking; the computer determines your oral fluency by how fluently the candidate speaks? are you hesitating while speaking? Are you taking a long pause? are you fumbling while speaking? These are the main factors to determine oral fluency.

Pronunciation: This factor is determined by observing the ability of the candidate to speak with proper speech sound as the normal speaker of the English language; Algorithm will examine if your speaking speech is easily understandable or not?

The PTE Algorithm is quite intelligent to recognize these factors; however, a human examiner can judge it too, but the marking criteria might defer. To get a detailed analysis, Do check our Free Mock Test for PTE Speaking, which is based on the same algorithm used by PTE.

Practice PTE Read Aloud In The Best Way.

If it is your first time in PTE Read Aloud, do not get into misbelieving that it is an easy task. When the actual exam is on your head, it becomes a little confusing and creates nervousness.

Don’t worry,

We are here to guide you on how to practice read-aloud questions in the best way.

First of all, before getting into testing yourself, do practice at least twice. the best way to practice for PTE read aloud questions is a format we have given below

  • Gather the repeated read aloud question bank, you can easily get 1000+ questions at PTE CLASSES
  • Sit alone, and Read aloud the text of the questions.
  • Listen to our sample audio of that question.
  • Figure out what’s the difference between your and sample audio reading.
  • Read the text again after realizing where you are lacking.
  • Practice read aloud repeated questions at least 3 to 4 times (it will improve your reading speed each time you read)
  • work on how to pronounce difficult words,
  • record your audio, and work on your accent.

The repeated questions on this PTE training platform are quite formidable, don’t forget to practice enough repeated questions as you don’t know some of them might come in your real exam.

In the exam, you will only have 40 seconds to prepare yourself before the beep sound plays and your answer time starts; focusing on the format above, you can practice utilizing that 40 seconds to score better.

You must note that answers given with confidence and fluency by adding good pronunciation will be the best way to overcome the exam.

One more thing to consider in your exam is the right grammar and vocabulary. The more vocabulary you use, the more it will benefit from strengthening your English aspects.

Tips For PTE Read Aloud

Before getting into deep on PTE Read Aloud tips, we have gathered some bullet points as an overview which we think you must consider while practicing Read Aloud question type.

  1. Spend at least 10 minutes every day to practice
  2. note words that are difficult to pronounce
  3. Listen to recorded answers (you can get recorder answers on our platform)
  4. Record yourself and listen where you are lagging.
  5. Utilize your 40 seconds
  6. Make sure to pause on punctuations.
  7. Use proper stress on important words
  8. Do not start speaking before the beep tone.
  9. Try to end your answer before the progress bar ends
  10.  do not take more than 3 seconds to answer,

Spending Time On Practice

You might know that the best way to overcome any type of exam is by doing a lot of practice; the same goes with PTE Exam. You must practice for at least 10 minutes a day on either platform; You can utilize youtube tutorials, download practice material, or you can practice in our PTE Tool for free.

Difficult Words to pronounce

The one thing people lose their marks in read-aloud questions is the pronunciation of words. If you are preparing for PTE Exam, it is must be because you are not a native English speaker, else you won’t be here.

So, there must be some words which will be difficult for you to pronounce. Practice these words well to make sure you did not lose your marks because of one word that you failed to pronounce correctly.

If you don’t know where to look for these words, go to our repeated questions section and find the answers there. Mark all the words which seem difficult to pronounce and practice these words.

Listen To Recorded Answers.

One of the best ways to practice for PTE Read Aloud is listening to the recorded audio clips for answers. as these answers are recorded by the professional, this trick can show you how to answer questions in the best way.

There are a lot of resources to get recorded answers, and we suggest you take a look at PTE CLASSES. You can find 1000+ answers by professional tutors.

Record Yourself and Listen Yourself

This tip is to find out the mistakes you are making while reading the question passage. By recording yourself, you can focus on the points you are lagging in.

Make sure to record all the answers while practicing and listen to them to overcome the mistakes you are making in PTE Read Aloud questions.

Utilize your Preparation Time

Every candidate will be given 30-40 seconds for preparation before the beep sound plays to answer. You must utilize that time by skimming a question and focusing on the words or sentences that look difficult to you.

you can read that sentence or word in your mind to practice in that 40 seconds. a=once the beep plays, start reading your answer loudly.

Focus on Punctuations

Punctuations are the most important things to focus on PTE reading section, and you must know where to pause on punctuations as it matters the most in your Read-Aloud answers.

Whenever the full stop ‘.’ comes, make sure to pause for 1 to 2 seconds, and whenever you see coma ‘,’ pause your reading for half or one second.

Make sure to not over pause yourself as it might count negatively.

Stressing on Important Words

Stressing the important words is as important as pausing on punctuation; this helps people as well as computers to understand which words are important in the sentence. You can produce a high pitch or low pitch sound or drag a word a little bit to show that the word is important, or using the rising and falling intonation pattern cleverly.

For Example
↑ Deaf children learning a language could certainly ↓ pursue the ↑ development of listening and ↓ spoken language skills if desired, and doing so would carry much less risk knowing the child would have ↑ mastery in at least one ↓ language. If a child does not succeed in ↑ mastering either a ↓ spoken language or a ↓ sign language, we must then ask how much ↑ benefit the child derived from interventions in each ↓ language relative to the amount of time and resources dedicated to those ↑ interventions.
Note: the bold words are market as important words, the ↓ syombol is for low pitch sound and the ↑ symbol is for high pitch sounds

Starting Before The Time

Do not start answering your passage before the progress bar starts; once you hear a beep sound, you can start answering. Understand that you are answering in front of a computer algorithm, not a human. If you answer before the time start, the computer will not count the words you have said before the timer, and the whole answer will become wrong.

End your Answer at Perfect Time

While answering your question, make sure to focus on the progress bar and finish your answer before the progress bar ends. If you extend the answer, it will mark it negatively, and the words you missed will not be counted.

Answer Instantly

Once you hear the beep sound, answer your passage instantly, the computer will skip that question if you didn’t start answering within 3 seconds.

PTE Read Aloud Samples & Practice Material

We have gathered the samples and practice material for you to practice well; if you need more practice material, you can visit here to get more than 1000+ sample questions. The best part is that you can practice as well on PTE CLASSES 99% accuracy.

Sample Question #1

The terms summary and abstract are often used interchangeably, resulting in some confusion. This problem arises because there are two distinct types of abstracts, descriptive and informative. The informative abstract is sometimes called summary; the descriptive is not. The descriptive abstract is usually only two or three sentences in length, hence it is not a summary or very informative.

Sample Question #2

Deaf children learning a language could certainly pursue the development of listening and spoken language skills if desired, and doing so would carry much less risk knowing the child would have mastery in at least one language. If a child does not succeed in mastering either a spoken language or a sign language, we must then ask how much benefit the child derived from interventions in each language relative to the amount of time and resources dedicated to those interventions.

Sample Question #3

The slight decline in drug overdose deaths in 2018 coincides with Chinese regulations on the powerful opioid carfentanil, rather than the result of domestic U.S. efforts to curb the epidemic, a new analysis reveals. What many — including President Donald Trump — perceived as a decline in overdose deaths in 2018, appears to be a return to the historic exponential curve.

Sample Question #4

European wildcats, thought to be extinct 50 years ago in the Jura mountains, have since recolonized part of their former territory. This resurgence in an area occupied by domestic cats has gone hand-in-hand with genetic crosses between the two species. A team of biologists modeled the interactions between the two species and predict that hybridization will entail the irreversible genetic replacement of wildcats.

Sample Question #5

Using an X-ray laser, a research team has investigated how water heats up under extreme conditions. In the process, the scientists were able to observe water that remained liquid even at temperatures of more than 170 degrees Celsius. The investigation revealed an anomalous dynamic behavior of water, which is of fundamental importance for investigations of sensitive samples using X-ray lasers.

Sample Question #6

Researchers have found a way to convert the aromatic substance vanillin into a redox-active electrolyte material for liquid batteries. Technology is an important step towards ecologically sustainable energy storage.

Sample Question #7

University of Adelaide researchers have uncovered fundamental new information about the malting characteristics of barley grains. They say their finding could pave the way to more stable brewing processes or new malts for craft brewers. Published in the Nature publication scientific reports, the researchers discovered a new link between one of the key enzymes involved in malt production for the brewing and a specific tissue layer within the barley grain.

Sample Question #8

The power of the sun, wind, and sea may soon combine to produce clean-burning hydrogen fuel, according to researchers. The team integrated water purification technology into a new proof-of-concept design for a seawater electrolyzer, which uses an electric current to split apart the hydrogen and oxygen in water molecules.

Sample Question #9

New research identifies a process that might have been key in producing the first organic molecules on Earth about 4 billion years ago, before the origin of life. The process, which is similar to what might have occurred in some ancient underwater hydrothermal vents, may also have relevance to the search for life elsewhere in the universe.

Sample Question #10

Injury or disease that afflicts a relatively small number of brain cells causes a chain reaction that stops activity across a vast network of neural circuits, according to new research. The study may help to explain why people can suffer from temporary but severe loss of cognitive function in cases of traumatic brain injury or disease.

Sample Question #11

Researchers have discovered a new superhighway network to travel through the Solar System much faster than was previously possible. Such routes can drive comets and asteroids near Jupiter to Neptune’s distance in under a decade and to 100 astronomical units in less than a century. They could be used to send spacecraft to the far reaches of our planetary system relatively fast, and to monitor and understand near-Earth objects that might collide with our planet.

Sample Question #12

Researchers have, inspired by the efficient foraging behavior of a single-celled amoeba, developed an analog computer for finding a reliable and swift solution to the traveling salesman problem — a representative combinatorial optimization problem.

Sample Question #13

Fake news can distort people’s beliefs even after being debunked. For example, repeated over and over, a story such as the one about the Pope endorsing Trump can create a glow around a political candidate that persists long after the story is exposed as fake. A 2017 study published in the journal Intelligence suggests that some people may have an especially difficult time rejecting misinformation.

Sample Question #14

For the designers and engineers who spend years crafting Team USA’s uniforms to offer both style and extraordinary aerodynamics, the need to keep athletes warm in these extreme temperatures posed an added dimension of difficulty.

Sample Question #15

Credit unions are nonprofit organizations that were imported to the United States from Germany in the early 1900s. They were regulated in 1934 by the Federal Credit Union Act, which limits membership to groups having a common bond of occupation or association. Groups from particular geographical areas also were eligible to join credit unions.

Sample Question #16

Modern humans arrived in westernmost Europe 41,000 to 38,000 years ago, about 5,000 years earlier than previously known, according to an international team of researchers that discovered stone tools used by modern humans dated to the earlier time period in a cave near the Atlantic coast of central Portugal. The tools document the presence of modern humans at a time when Neanderthals were thought to be present in the region.

Sample Question #17

Just how stressed are teachers? A recent Gallup poll found teachers are tied with nurses for the most stressful occupation in America today. Unfortunately, that stress can have a trickle-down effect on their students, leading to disruptive behavior that results in student suspensions.

Sample Question #18

Most succulent plants are found in regions where there is little rainfall, dry air, plenty of sunshine, porous soils and high temperatures during part of the year. These conditions have caused changes in plant structures, which have resulted in greatly increased thickness of stems, leaves, and sometimes roots, enabling them to store moisture from the infrequent rains.

Sample Question #19

Another method governments use to try and influence the private sector is economic planning. For a long time now, socialist and communist states have used planning as an alternative to the price mechanism, organizing production and distributing their resources according to social and strategic needs, rather than based on purely economic considerations.

Sample Question #20

The emergence of information technology has created new products, processes, and distribution systems. New products include the computer, the Internet, and digital TV; new processes include Internet banking, automated inventory control, and automated teller machines; and new distribution systems include cable and satellite TV.

How can PTE CLASSES Help You?

The PTE CLASSES has a tool to practice where the same computer algorithm is used as in PTE Exam, and it will make sure the accuracy level of 99%. Moreover, it will show you the progress bar of in which section you are weaker.

It provides a Study center where your progress history will be reported daily and shows the overall performance.

Another best thing about PTE CLASSES Tool is that it provides a free Mock Test with 99% accuracy, and all of these services will be free of any charges.