PTE Essay writing is one of the difficult and challenging tasks in PTE exam, not only for non-native English speaker but some of the native speakers has been failed to clear PTE Writing Module.

You have to write an essay of 200 to 300 words on a random topic which you might haven’t prepare for, and the time you got is only 20 minutes to complete the task.

Sounds scary right?

With the right and helpful writing tips and some effort of understanding how the PTE essay writing task works, with some practice you can easily get the required bands in the PTE Writing section.

You don’t have to worry.

In This Article, we have covered everything you should know to overcome PTE Essay Writing task and score your desired bands. so let’s begin

The first step to easily get your required bands in PTE Essay Writing is to understand How the scoring works in essay writing tasks.

How PTE Essay Writing Score works

PTE essay writing scoring format is a little unique but easy to understand. It is important to know what the examiner is looking for in your essay.

PTE Essay template contains 7 traits to evaluate your writing performance.

  • Content
  • Formal Requirement
  • Development, Structure, and Coherence
  • Grammar
  • General Linguistic Range
  • Vocabulary Range
  • Spelling


Content is the most important trait in the PTE essay template, it is determined by the aspects of the topic covered in the written essay. it dictates if the essay has provided the details, appropriate examples, and properly explained the topic given to the test taker.

The score will be rated accordingly if the test taker adequately deals with the given prompts. However, if the test taker does not address the topic, the response will be scored zero on all traits.

The total score if the test taker completes all the traits with the best possible marks is 15 points.

Maximum score3
Rating scale3 The essay adequately deals with the prompt. The essay deals with the prompt but omits to deal with one minor aspect. The essay deals with the prompt but omits more than one aspect or one major aspect. The essay does not properly deal with the prompt.

Formal Requirement

Formal requirement determines the essay length requirement, it dictates that if the test-takers have met the word length requirements of 200 to 300 words. However, if the word length remains lower than 120 words or reaches higher than 380 words, the response will be zero in all traits.

Maximum score2
Rating scaleLength between 200 and 300 words Length between 120 and 199 or between 301 and 380 words Length less than 120 or more than 380 words. The essay contains no punctuation or consists only of bullet points or very short sentences

Development, Structure, and Coherence

Development, Structure, and Coherence will be scored on the basis of the representation of the essay. the test taker can get higher marks by writing good ideas developments and logical conversation.

Maximum score2
Rating scale2 The essay shows a good development and logical structure. The essay incidentally is less well structured; some elements or paragraphs are poorly linked. The essay lacks coherence, mainly consists of lists or loose elements.


Grammar is scored by demonstrating if the test taker is using correct grammatical writing or doing grammar mistakes, the score will be given accordingly.

Maximum score2
Rating scaleThe essay has consistency in grammatical control of the English language. There are minor errors and errors are difficult to spot. 1 The essay shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control, there are no mistakes that could lead to misunderstanding. The essay contains mainly simple structures and/or several basic mistakes

General Linguistic Range

General Linguistic Range demonstrates if the language in an essay of test-takers is easy to understand, accurate, and precise language that conveys the ideas of the topic test takers is trying to write.

Maximum score2
Rating scaleThe essay exhibits mastery of a wide range of language to formulate thoughts precisely, give emphasis, differentiate, and eliminate ambiguity. There is no sign the test taker had to restrict what he/she wanted to say. The essay shows a sufficient range of language to provide clear descriptions, to express viewpoints, and to develop arguments. The essay contains mainly basic language and lacks precision  

Vocabulary Range

Vocabulary Range determines if the test taker has a good command of broad lexical language resources. the score will be given accordingly.

Maximum score2
Rating scaleThe essay shows a good command of a broad lexical repertoire and a good command of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. The essay shows a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to general academic topics. Evidently, lexical shortcomings lead to circumlocution or some imprecision. The essay contains mainly basic vocabulary insufficient to deal with the topic at the required level.  


Spelling is determined by the spelling and typing errors in the written essay. The scores will be given accordingly for the writing.

Maximum score2
Rating scaleCorrect spelling, with only one or two typing errors. Contains one spelling error and/or only one or two typing errors. More than 1 spelling error and/or numerous typing errors.  

Tips for PTE Essay Writing

PTE Essay Writing Tip #1 Write Simple Sentences

Writing complicated or lengthy sentences can become the main reason for losing your score, Try to write a shorter sentence with simple writing. If you write a long sentence with lots of punctuation there is more likely a chance to make a grammar or pronunciation mistake.

The examiner will not be looking for lengthy sentences or extra information you have provided. avoid over-complicated sentences and just get your job done and leave it.

Tip #2 Read The Instructions Carefully.

pte writing essay tips

Before you make any of the major mistakes spend one minute reading the topic question and instruction carefully.

By reading, Instructions make sure to remember everything and do not miss any of the key points.

Tip #3 Analyze your Topic.

Before writing anything, make sure to mark the main keywords from the topic questions and prepare what you are going to write, make the list of key points that you are planning to write, and note it down.

you might forget what to write in the pressure of 20 minutes timer, so the key points you have noted might help you in that time.

Tip #4 Construct your answer earlier.

After reading the topic questions write down the construction of the topic you are about to start writing, note whether you agree or disagree with the topic, are you going to focus on leveraging the advantages or disadvantages of the topic. which examples are you going to write on this topic?

Provide proper details of the topic, explain the reason for the examples and be creative by remaining on the topic, don’t go off-topic to write some extra words.

Format for PTE Essay Writing.

The format of PTE essay writing is quite simple, there are 3 essential parts of PTE Writing:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion


As it suggests, The introduction is to provide the outline of the topic you are going to write, what is the topic, what we are writing related to that topic, are we discussing the topic’s advantages or disadvantages.

You have to connect the ideas of the topic you are going to write in the Introduction.


The body of the PTE Essay Writing contains the main ideas, examples, and arguments of the topic in detail.

Providing detailed examples and comprehensive explanations is a key to scoring higher in the writing section.


The Conclusion is to summarize the topic and information you have provided in the whole Essay template in one or two sentences.

Most of the time, test takers write a short summary of the main body of what they have written in the explanation or examples.

PTE Essay Writing Sample / Practice Material

The PTE CLASSES Tool is the best opportunity for you to practice PTE Writing for Free. The tool provides the AI-Result with 99% accuracy as same as the PTE exam.

Because of the global economy, many goods including what we use as daily basic produced by other counties have to be transported for a long distance. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Company’s top-level authorities should get their Employees in decision-making

Environment pollution Essay – Environment pollution is too alarming to be managed by individuals. Real change can be made at the government level. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Importance of tourism or what are the negative and positive impacts of tourism for developing countries

Many young people nowadays are imitating celebrities in sports and movies. In your opinion, is this good or bad Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience? 

Mass Media Essay – Do you think mass media including television, radio, and newspapers, have a great influence in shaping people’s ideas.

Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology Information Through Mass Media

Private School Essay – Some people think that students benefit from going to private secondary schools. Others, however, feel that private secondary schools can have a negative effect on society

Science and Technology Essay – Scientific and technological advances have changed our lives. While there are still some countries that faced with challenges and lack in providing essential services.

The only effective way to deal with unemployment is to introduce rapid urbanization. How far you agree Write an essay of 200 -300 words.